Geospatial information infrastructure
In the context of implementing the INSPIRE Directive (2007/2/EK) and Law 3883/2010 (O.G.G. 166/a/22.09.2010), and fulfilling the obligations for publicity and promotion of the Region of Attica projects, the “Geoportal of the Region of Attica” was developed and operates under the supervision of the Department of Documentation and Innovation of the Development Planning Directorate.
The Geoportal incorporates and illustrates geographical data concerning the National and Co-funded PIP projects, as well as the Self-funded Projects, which take place in the Region of Attica.
Through the disposal of free and open data, the said application enables users to search and receive information on the implementation progress of the organisation’s projects and actions.
Specifically, this infrastructure provides access to the stored data, via the following services:
- View - wms service
- Download - wfs service
The main goal of the application is, on one hand, to monitor the economic management of the Attica Region’s resources, with a view to transparency, and on the other hand to contribute to the implementation of the digital transformation strategy.
All data are available and free to use, reuse and distribute, provided that there is an explicit reference to their source.
The application is funded by the National Public Investment Programme (PIP).